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How to Protect Your Hearing

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

One of our most vital organs is the ear. We can hear our friends, family members, and co-workers talking to us thanks to them. They also enable us to hear the sounds that signal danger, such as a tornado’s siren or a car’s horn.

Unfortunately, it is very simple to endanger the health of our ears. For example, working near noisy machinery in a noisy industry can raise your risk of developing hearing loss. Both frequent concert attendance and excessively loud music listening with headphones or earbuds might harm your hearing.

But failing to have your ears examined if you suspect a hearing decline is perhaps one of the largest ways you might endanger your hearing.

Although hearing loss cannot always be prevented, there are precautions we can take to reduce our risk and maintain the health and functionality of our ears. The only thing you actually lose by following these simple measures is the chance of developing hearing loss.

1.Know when your surroundings are too loud

Your surroundings are too noisy if you have to shout to be heard by someone close to you or if you have difficulty hearing them over the background noise. A noise is too loud if it hurts your ears to listen to it, if things sound muffled after you move away from it, or if you have ringing in your ears as a result.

Any sound over 85 decibels might cause ear damage if you are exposed to it for an extended period of time. Sound is measured in decibels. The sound of motorcycle engines, music played at maximum volume through headphones, the sound of a hairdryer near your ear, and other noises exceeding 85 dB are a few examples.

2. Protect your ears with earplugs (and frequent breaks)

If you must be around loud noises, make sure to use ear protection while doing so. Wear earplugs when working near noisy machinery, for example, if you work in manufacturing. It’s also advised to stop the loud noise for 15 minutes per hour.

Avoid standing close to the speakers if you’re attending a concert, and think about putting on musician’s earplugs to lower the loudness without muzzling the song.

3. Turn down the volume

The majority of teenagers (and even many adults) want to listen to music loudly in the car or through headphones. This is, regrettably, one of the best ways to harm your hearing and may even force you to wear hearing aids in later life. One of the best ways to guard your hearing from harm is to lower the volume of the music you’re listening to until it’s at a comfortable, safe level.

4. Get a hearing test Finally, having your hearing evaluated as soon as you notice a problem might make the difference between having healthy ears and having permanent hearing loss.

Do everything you can to maintain the health of your ears because hearing is essential for leading a healthy, safe, and happy life.