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Five Interesting Facts About Hearing and Hearing Loss You’ll Want to Learn About

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We examine five of the most fascinating facts about our ears, covering anything from ear wax to the age at which hearing loss occurs. Continue reading to learn more.

Many of us lack knowledge about hearing loss, particularly the different types of hearing loss. In order to provide you with a bit more information, we’ve compiled some of the most amazing facts regarding hearing. We cover everything, from ear health to using hearing aids, earwax types to sound waves. Find out five hearing-related facts that will make you wonder, “How did I not know that?” as you continue reading:

1. Hearing loss isn’t exclusive to older people – The majority of cases happen in those under 65

Hearing loss is far too frequently regarded as an ‘old people’s’ problem. However, many cases of hearing loss actually affect those under the age of 65. There are several different types of hearing loss, despite the fact that older people are more likely to have degenerative hearing loss. For instance, a single exposure to loud noise might cause long-term hearing damage. Another factor is a noisy, persistent background noise. According to science, exposure to 90 dB for longer than eight hours will damage your hearing. The same impact can be produced in a matter of seconds by a single burst of extremely loud noise, such as a gunshot at 140.

Hearing loss is frequently caused by both genetic and injury-based reasons. These also frequently happen at an earlier age, as one might anticipate. Our ears are less resistant to harm than most since they are the smallest bones in our body. The fact that some people might experience hearing loss as a result of a misplaced cotton swab is evidence that almost anything can harm our hearing. Hearing loss can result from injury to the auditory nerve. In actuality, there are numerous possible causes of hearing loss. The general consensus is that hearing loss affects people of all ages. Any person, at any age, can experience it.

2. Earwax is actually pretty good for your ears

We frequently associate earwax with boogers. We normally don’t want gross things like that in our bodies, but is that actually true biologically? Because our bodies need a certain amount of wax to function properly, you might want to stop doing ear candling. Sweat, skin cells, and oil are combined to form earwax, which is sticky. It creates a barrier of defence inside the middle ear, keeping the region germ-free and in good condition. So a little wax is advantageous from that standpoint.

Even though earwax serves as an active filter, there are specific circumstances in which it might also serve as a warning sign. Dry earwax is healthy; however, wet earwax may indicate an illness. If your wax is resulting in hearing loss or other concerns, it is worthwhile to see an audiologist. In moderate situations, a cotton swab and warm water may be advised. However, it’s normally best to leave your ears and their wax alone. It’s also important to note that individuals from various cultures exhibit various types of earwax. This revelation has also been applied to the study of early human migration. Perhaps having earwax on hand is useful after all.

3. You never stop hearing – even when you’re asleep at night

It’s odd to consider that your body doesn’t turn off when you go to bed at night. Your body never stops, despite some functions slowing down for obvious reasons. Of course, you still need to breathe and digest. Your hearing is one physiological part, though, that you might not be aware operates continuously. Even while we are sleeping deeply, sound waves can still travel through the ear canal and be processed by our always-awake brain. The decision to filter out the noise is then made entirely independently by your brain.

We are awakened in the middle of the night by loud noises such as a child crying, something falling, or an alarm. Whether we like it or not, we’re always listening. In contrast, our brains fully construct the sounds we hear in our dreams. The method of creating sounds does not include our ears or auditory nerves. That is accomplished entirely by our imaginations. According to a scientific study, our brains’ sophisticated “vigilance” mechanism gives us the ability to hear and wake up when there is noise when we are sleeping. This is incredibly clever since it means that we can sleep through traffic but wake up to the sound of a baby screaming or a young child begging for their mother or father.

4. Our ears are amongst the most essential parts of our balancing system

If you’ve ever experienced an ear infection, you’ve probably felt unbalanced. This is due to the direct impact of our ears on our equilibrium. Our inner ears are filled with fluid that moves in response to our movements and sends information to the brain. Even when we are standing, lying down, or looking up or down, this shrewd fluid can detect it. So when you have an ear infection, everything becomes somewhat out of balance. Vertigo is among the most serious signs of an ear infection. This ailment frequently causes you to feel woozy or wobbly and frequently results in nausea.

Your eyes and our joints, along with your inner ear, together make up a significant portion of our entire capacity for balance. Leaning in one direction more than the other or falling over more frequently are further indicators that your balance is incorrect. A medical practitioner or even an audiologist is a wonderful place to start if you’re having balance issues. Single-ear infections are frequently worse since they make us feel more unbalanced overall. When our pets suffer ear infections and are unable to balance, they frequently tilt their heads, which has the same effect.

5. Using a hearing aid can prevent hearing loss from getting worse

You might not be aware of one more fact. With the help of hearing aids, hearing loss can be actively prevented from getting worse. While some types of hearing loss brought on by genetics or ageing cannot be prevented, others may. For instance, if controlled properly, hearing loss brought on by an injury or loud sound can be kept at the same level. Better sound comprehension is what hearing aids offer. Although this has no immediate effect on the damage to your hearing, it does support sustained brain activity.

Your brain can better understand incoming sounds and information with the aid of hearing aids. Being unable to hear what is going on around you can have a direct effect on how your brain processes auditory information, whether it be a loss of specific tones or a general decline in hearing. By putting these areas back into continual use, hearing aids stop this atrophy. It is feasible to maintain some degree of hearing loss without gradually making it worse by forcing your brain to start understanding and translating sound again. To us, it seems well worth it.